Tips and Tricks to Solve MCQ

Tips and Tricks to Solve MCQ

  1. Look through all of the questions. Answer the easy questions first and skip the more challenging questions for later.
  2. Read the MCQs carefully and think answer before you see your choices. Then read the choices to see if your answer is there. If so, it is probably the right one. Read the other answers quickly to be certain.
  3. If your answer is not there in the choices, then read all the choices carefully and start eliminating the choices.
  4. Cross out the options that are clearly wrong.
  5. When you narrow your choices to two, try each answer with the question to see if they both make sense. Occasionally you'll find a hidden clue, like a subject/verb agreement that gives it a way.
  6. If you are confused by "all of the above" and "none of the above" questions and they are taking too much time to take up, leave those entire blank and go back to them. These questions have an element of logic to them, and some people take longer than others to work out logic problems. If you find that they require a little extra concentration, you may need to treat them as a separate section.
  7. If you are confused about a word, dissect it for clues. Think about the meanings of the prefix or suffix. Compare it to other words that start with the same letters. For example, the prefix "epi" is found in the word epidermis, which refers to the top layer of the skin. What can you discern, then, about a plant called an "epiphyte?" Would it have roots that stretch deep into the dirt or would it grow on the surface of something?
  8. Don’t second-guess yourself. If you make an educated guess the first time around, don’t go back and start changing your answers around.
  9. Go back to the questions that you skipped. Look at each question individually and eliminate the options that you know are incorrect. Cross the wrong options out with your pencil if possible.
  10. Keep an eye on the clock to give yourself time to re-visit the questions you left blank.
  11. If all else fails, choose B or C A few studies show that those answers are correct at a slightly higher rate than A or D.
  12. A positive choice is more likely to be true than a negative one. Usually the correct answer is the choice with the most information.