Tag Archives: Telecommunication

Mcqs in Wave propagation

Mcqs in Wave propagation

  1. A 'skip zone' is:

    1. the distance between the antenna and where the refracted wave first returns to earth
    2. the distance between the far end of the ground wave and where the refracted wave first returns to earth
    3. the distance between any two refracted waves
    4. a zone caused by lost sky waves
  2. The medium which reflects high frequency radio waves back to the earth's surface is called the:

    1. biosphere
    2. stratosphere
    3. ionosphere
    4. troposphere
  3. The highest frequency that will be reflected back to the earth at any given time is known as the:

    1. UHF
    2. MUF
    3. OWF
    4. LUF Continue reading Mcqs in Wave propagation

MCQs in Radio Engineering Part -1

MCQs in Radio Engineering (Electronics and Communication EngineeringTest Paper

Choose the correct answer

1. Output power of 10 kW FM transmitter modulated with 1 Khz sinusoidal tone with deviation of + 75 kHz shall be

  • 10 kW
  • 15 kW
  • 7.5 kW

2. Adaptive pre-emphasis in FM limiter is

  • Independent of frequency.
  • Dependent on frequency.
  • Independent of level.
  • Dependent on level.

3. The feeder used to connect the FM Transmitter to the antenna is

EC Engineering MCQs Paper 2

EC Engineering MCQs​

Electronics and Communication Engineering  Test Paper

Choose the correct answer

1. The output power of an audio power amplifier is 12 W, which is approximately

a) 20 dBm                   b) 41 dBm                   c) 62 dBm                   d) 86 dBm

2. The bandwidth of a wide-band amplifier to reproduce a pulse faithfully depends on

a) Width of the pulse                                       b) Rise time of the pulse        
c) Frequency of the pulse                               d) All of these

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MCQs in Radio Engineering Part – 2

MCQs in Radio Engineering Part – 2   (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Test Paper

Choose the correct answer

1. Medium wave broadcast band is from

a)         530 kHz to 1600 kHz             
b)         3 MHz to 10 MHz
c)         10 MHz to 30 MHz

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