Electronics and Communication Engineering Short answers
(Broadcast Engineering)
- The repealer electrode in a reflex is at potential.
- The junction capacitance of a diode is made up of a
- The ripple frequency of a 50 Hz, 3 phase full wave rectifier is Hz.
- Main advantage of grounded grid amplifier is
- In a push pull amplifier harmonic are absent.
- If two amplifiers of gain 10 are cascaded, the overall gain will be
- A rejector circuit offers reactance above resonance.
- The filter used in the first stage of AF chain is usually pass.
- The crystal of an oscillator is placed in order to
- In a 10KW transmitter if the modulation index is 0.5, the total side band power is
- The detector used in an FM receiver is
- The digital gate used for the logic "This or that but not both" is
- ROM is a memory in terms of relativity.
- A negative logic means
- If a 20 kHz audio is to be sampled in A/D convertor, the minimum sampling frequency shall be for faith full reproduction.
- The most common modulation scheme used in a digital satellite communication system is
- In a computer hardware BIOS stands for
- A spectrum analyzer is a domain equipment.
- A geo-stationary orbit is approximately at km height.