1. The Govt of India has decided to declare which of the following rivers a National River? a) Brahmaputra b) Yamuna c) Ganga d) Kaveri e) None of these
2. Who amongst the folIowing economists gave the concept of "economies of scale", which says "many goods and services can be produced more cheaply in long series"? a) Edward C Prescott b) Amartya Sen c) Gary S Becker d) Edmund S Phelps e) Paul Krugman
1. Abel Prize is named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829). It is given annually to outstanding mathematicians by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Who won this prize in 2012?
Mikhail Gromov
John Tate
John Thompson
Jacques Tits
Endre Szemeredi
2. The Inter State Council was set up in 1990 following the recom-mendation of the Sarkaria Com-mission on Centre-State relatio-ns. Who is its present Chairman?
1) Hamid Ansari
2) Manmohan Singh
3) Pranab Mukherjee
4) C.Rangarajan
5) None of these
3. Which state has recently started a programme called 'Anandadhara' for Self Help Groups?